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<strong>Laterality of preschool children: <br/>right-handed or left-handed?</strong>
Laterality of preschool children:
right-handed or left-handed?

13. 11. 2023 |

At preschool age, children have sufficiently developed fine motor skills for it to become obvious whether they will be left- or right-handed. However, it is not always easy to tell. What is laterality, how is it developed, divided and diagnosed? Is left-handedness a disability? How do you recognize crossed laterality? On entry to school, laterality should be […]

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<strong>How to promote the healthy development of children’s feet <br/>in kindergarten</strong>
How to promote the healthy development of children’s feet
in kindergarten

21. 08. 2023 |

Most children are born with healthy legs, yet they suffer from various deformities when they enter the first grade. How to reverse this negative trend?

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<strong>How to nurture creativity <br/>and critical thinking in children</strong>
How to nurture creativity
and critical thinking in children

14. 08. 2023 |

We don't know what the future holds for the children. But they will be ready for it if they can think critically and solve problems creatively. Start training them in these skills in kindergarten.

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<strong>How to bring more music into kindergarten</strong>
How to bring more music into kindergarten

25. 07. 2023 |

Music brings joy and aesthetic experience. It also holds great potential for the all-round development of the child. Why is this so and which musical activities to focus on?

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<strong>How to keep children safe outdoors</strong>
How to keep children safe outdoors

14. 07. 2023 |

A spirit of discovery and inexhaustible energy are behind many childhood injuries. So we've put together some tips to keep children safe when they're outdoors.

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<strong>7 activities for a fun summer <br/>in kindergarten</strong>
7 activities for a fun summer
in kindergarten

03. 07. 2023 |

In summer, more than ever, kindergarten should be full of fun. Engage all your senses and don’t be afraid to make a mess. We promise you’ll be a success with the kids.

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<strong>To prevent children from overheating in summer – prevention and first aid</strong>
To prevent children from overheating in summer – prevention and first aid

29. 06. 2023 |

Summer is here and with it the heat to beat. How to do to survive such weather with children in kindergarten in good health?

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<strong>How not to drain the soul<br/> in kindergarten</strong>
How not to drain the soul
in kindergarten

26. 06. 2023 |

Working in a kindergarten is a strain on the psyche. So, take care of your mental health. That's the only way to be the kind and patient teachers that children need.

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<strong>The risk of working in a pre-school: burnout syndrome</strong>
The risk of working in a pre-school: burnout syndrome

20. 06. 2023 |

The teaching profession can be exhausting. Moreover, if you are suffocating under the stress of work overload and workplace conflicts for a long time, you are heading towards burnout.

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<strong>Trick not only for parents,<br/> how to entertain children<br/>in summer</strong>
Trick not only for parents,
how to entertain children
in summer

15. 06. 2023 |

Advise parents how they can stimulate their children's all-round development when the nursery is closed over the summer. Pull some ideas out of your sleeve and equip parents with tips for clever summer activities.

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<strong>Celebrating the end <br/>of the kindergarten year</strong>
Celebrating the end
of the kindergarten year

13. 06. 2023 |

Even the best school year has to end sometime. Now it's going to take a big party. There's a lot to celebrate.

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<strong>How to set a positive culture<br/>in kindergarten</strong>
How to set a positive culture
in kindergarten

01. 06. 2023 |

We can probably agree that we are best off where we feel welcome, respected and accepted as we are. That's exactly the atmosphere that should prevail in every kindergarten.

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<strong>How to develop children’s social-emotional skills in kindergarten</strong>
How to develop children’s social-emotional skills in kindergarten

20. 05. 2023 |

It only takes a few preschool years to hatch a friendly preschooler who knows how to play with others. How to support this transformation?

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<strong>What STEM activities to try <br/>in kindergarten</strong>
What STEM activities to try
in kindergarten

17. 05. 2023 |

The acronym STEM stands for an educational concept that aims to stimulate children's interest in science. . Incorporate it into your curriculum and who knows, your class might just be the future scientific aces.

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<strong>How to do outdoor learning activities for preschoolers</strong>
How to do outdoor learning activities for preschoolers

09. 05. 2023 |

Kids belong outside. Flying around outside is an essential part of childhood. It drains excess energy, and still benefits the healthy development of children.

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<strong>Why involve all the senses<br/>in children’s games</strong>
Why involve all the senses
in children’s games

29. 04. 2023 |

Young children need to have all five together. The more senses they engage, the better for their brain and overall development.

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<strong>How to awake a love of books<br/>in children</strong>
How to awake a love of books
in children

27. 04. 2023 |

It's never too early to start fostering a love of books in children. What does it matter that in kindergarten they usually can't read or write yet.

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<strong>How to support the emotional development of young children?</strong>
How to support the emotional development of young children?

25. 04. 2023 |

Kindergarten is actually a kind of preparation for future social life. Among peers, children gradually learn how to get along with others. They begin to perceive the emotions of others and practice empathy.

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<strong>Sandberg Capital, Bakaláři And Twigsee founded Educleus</strong>
Sandberg Capital, Bakaláři And Twigsee founded Educleus

20. 04. 2023 |

Slovak private equity company Sandberg Capital, in cooperation with the creators of the most-used school software in the Czech Republic Bakaláři and the authors of the application for kindergartens Twigsee, has established a new holding group called Educleus.

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<strong>Why is there a shortage of female teachers in kindergartens?</strong>
Why is there a shortage of female teachers in kindergartens?

12. 04. 2023 |

More than half of the teachers are over 40 years old. About a third of them will retire in the next ten years. And at the moment there is no replacement. The Czech Republic is therefore facing an acute shortage of preschool teachers.

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<strong>A teacher, not a babysitter, please</strong>
A teacher, not a babysitter, please

11. 04. 2023 |

We've got a bit of a problem here. People often confuse the kindergarten teacher with the babysitter. They completely overlook her educational role.

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Inclusive Easter for all
Inclusive Easter for all

06. 04. 2023 |

Like other holidays, Easter reflects the culture and historical experience of a society while fostering a sense of belonging to a community. But if you look closely, you'll find that there really is no single script for how to celebrate Easter.

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<strong>How to have a calmer classroom through mindfulness – interview </strong>
How to have a calmer classroom through mindfulness – interview

22. 03. 2023 |

Practicing mindfulness can help calm and focus children in the classroom. In addition, you'll give them great guidance for the future on how to deal with negative experiences.

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<strong>Why it is important to involve parents in preschool education</strong>
Why it is important to involve parents in preschool education

07. 03. 2023 |

Children and parentsWhen parents and kindergarten work together, they can support children in developing their full potential.

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How to control communication with parents in kindergarten – interview
How to control communication with parents in kindergarten – interview

19. 01. 2023 |

Mrs. Director Mgr. Regína Ouhledová from the private kindergarten Monty School of Prague was looking for a way to modernize the kindergarten and provide even better services to parents. However, the headmistress has no problem to combine a kindergarten in the forest with modern technology.

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<strong>Graphometry: How it develops and how to help a preschooler with it</strong>
Graphometry: How it develops and how to help a preschooler with it

10. 04. 2022 |

The development of graphomotor skills begins from infancy. But there are milestones that are crucial for the successful mastery of writing and all further studies. What to watch for and when to help the child?

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Be our link with clients
Be our link with clients

29. 03. 2022 |

Are languages your thing and can you see yourself in customer care? I am looking for a new addition to my team, a liaison between clients (mostly kindergartens) and us. A bit of a different person who likes people, works hard and has a sense of responsibility. My name is Lucka and I am responsible for customer care in Twigsee. Twigsee […]

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Paid internship – International Expansion Assistant
Paid internship – International Expansion Assistant

25. 05. 2021 |

Twigsee is expanding its team and you can expand your horizons and skills with a paid internship! As an International Expansion Assistant, you will learn directly from our founder Vanda.

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Even preschools can keep up with the times!
Even preschools can keep up with the times!

18. 12. 2020 |

The app for preschools already exists ! It presents us with an effective and simple solution for schools as well as parents.

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10 tips for running a preschool online
10 tips for running a preschool online

18. 12. 2020 |

We were founded on an individual approach. We are available to the entire school at all times. That means not only during the initial set up and training, but for the entirety of our collaboration.

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What are the preschools
currently using Twigsee saying about it?

Mr. Jimmy

Hello, so far so good with Twigsee. We have managed to create classes and upload students' names. The teachers' names have been shared already and we believe by next week we might have progressed further. Thanks to all.

Mr. Jimmy
System Manager, Greenwood Groove Academy, Kenya
Zuzana Vacíková

Twigsee caught our attention right away from the presentation thanks to the range of functions offered. It wasn't a system that only dealt with attendance or just the registry. It offered us the opportunity to have everything under one roof. And the cherry on top of the cake was the possibility of sending parents contributions about how their children are doing in preschool that day. Parents liked the app very quickly. At first, teachers were more concerned about whether preschool management wanted to give them extra work. However, they soon discovered that writing to parents made them happy, and they also finally have an overview of the children's attendance for each day. Twigsee can handle all that is on the agenda in a preschool as well as accounting. Forest preschool, Pohádky z.s., Zvole

Zuzana Vacíková
Assistant Director
Michelle Specht

Great Customer Support! Any problem gets immediate attention, and also the sales representatives are very willing to help.

Michelle Specht

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