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<strong>Laterality of preschool children: <br/>right-handed or left-handed?</strong>
Laterality of preschool children:
right-handed or left-handed?

13. 11. 2023 | admin

At preschool age, children have sufficiently developed fine motor skills for it to become obvious whether they will be left- or right-handed. However, it is not always easy to tell. What is laterality, how is it developed, divided and diagnosed? Is left-handedness a disability? How do you recognize crossed laterality? On entry to school, laterality should be […]

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<strong>How to promote the healthy development of children’s feet <br/>in kindergarten</strong>
How to promote the healthy development of children’s feet
in kindergarten

21. 08. 2023 | Martina Zatloukalová

Most children are born with healthy legs, yet they suffer from various deformities when they enter the first grade. How to reverse this negative trend?

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<strong>How to nurture creativity <br/>and critical thinking in children</strong>
How to nurture creativity
and critical thinking in children

14. 08. 2023 | Martina Zatloukalová

We don't know what the future holds for the children. But they will be ready for it if they can think critically and solve problems creatively. Start training them in these skills in kindergarten.

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<strong>How to bring more music into kindergarten</strong>
How to bring more music into kindergarten

25. 07. 2023 | Martina Zatloukalová

Music brings joy and aesthetic experience. It also holds great potential for the all-round development of the child. Why is this so and which musical activities to focus on?

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<strong>How to keep children safe outdoors</strong>
How to keep children safe outdoors

14. 07. 2023 | Martina Zatloukalová

A spirit of discovery and inexhaustible energy are behind many childhood injuries. So we've put together some tips to keep children safe when they're outdoors.

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<strong>7 activities for a fun summer <br/>in kindergarten</strong>
7 activities for a fun summer
in kindergarten

03. 07. 2023 | Martina Zatloukalová

In summer, more than ever, kindergarten should be full of fun. Engage all your senses and don’t be afraid to make a mess. We promise you’ll be a success with the kids.

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